Last Half Term – 8th Jan – 16th Feb 2024

Can you believe we are at half term already! The half term has been super busy but super fun!

This year we signed up to the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch. The Little Owls enjoyed getting the garden and forest school Birdwatch ready, making a variety of bird feeders for the birds to try, we even created our own little twitchers hut so we had somewhere quiet to watch them. The children made their own binoculars and kept track of the birds on a tally chart. Unfortunately, there were not many birds to see whilst we were playing in the garden, except a very bold pigeon and a friendly Robin, I can’t imagine why?!😂

The Little Owls fully embraced Chinese New Year Celebrations, tasting new foods, making lanterns, trying to write Chinese letters and symbols, practicing using chopsticks, finding out that 2024 is the year of the dragon and of course participating in some wonderful dragon dancing – working together to really make the dragon wiggle!

We have had lots of child initiated activities too, one of the absolute favourites was making play dough, very messy but so much fun. Some children were keen to set up a music shop, it had a telephone ordering service and home delivery! We explored shadows and the children created their own puppets to tell their own shadow puppet stories.

Technology and the internet is changing all the time, but it is here to stay and will continue to be a big part of our lives. We all must remember the importance of staying safe online. This half term we have spent some time talking to our Little Owls about online safety and watched a great video from the Safer Internet Day Campaign 2024.

This last week of the half term has been one of my favourites  – full of love and pancakes! We created cards and pictures full of hearts and flowers and play dough love bugs, all made with love. We have mixed pancakes, tossed play dough pancakes, tasted pancakes and cooked pancakes on the forest school fire! Yum Yum! The Little Owls were very excited to tell us about their choice of toppings for their pancakes at home and they all sounded delicious.

Lots of things to come in our next half term – British Science Week, parent open week, World Book Day (get your costumes ready!) and before you know it Easter will be here!

We hope everyone has a wonderful break and we will see you when we return on Tuesday 27th February.

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